Oh wow, it’s a good thing “Regular blogging” was no new years resolution for 2017. Can you believe we are already five months into it. Just WOW! I guess it’s definitely time for an update. On the personal health front, all things are looking good so far. I’ve started biking to work regularly around March. The counter is now on 1488km, meaning an average of 10.55km per day. That’s about 6km per day less than what I should be doing to get to the 6000km though.
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Ah yes, it’s that time of the year again. Everyone makes some promises for the year to come. Some make it until the end of the year. Others, well… To make sure my promises do make it until the end of 2017, I’ll try to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound. First things first, my personal health. Back in 2015, I tried to change my diet by removing all sugar.
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Here ‘s the thing about my side-project, varivoor.be: it’s live for everyone to see, I’m talking about on twitter, and I received some nice feedback. But I’m barely making any progress. I have two high-value TODO items that have been on my list since mid-summer (contact a lawyer to verify that it would be legally ok and contact an online grocery shop to collaborate with). And I just can’t get myself to do execute them.
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Have you ever seen a marathon race? At the halfway point, a band is playing and they’re handing out drinks to thirsty athletes. The sides of the road are packed with supporters who are cheering the athletes towards the finish line. Should they be cheering and clapping because an athlete was able to reach the halfway point? Should they be cheering because he was able to grab a cup of water that allows him to keep going?
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No, no, I have not started a startup in 7 days (yet!). It’s the title of a book by Dan Norris on his failures to create a profitable, scalable business and how he finally managed to launch his current startup WPCurve in just 7 days. Now, 7 days is a really short time and it’s deliberate by design. By having only 7 days, and forcing yourself to adhere strictly to those 7 days, you force yourself to focus on the task at hand and only on those task.
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Oh, wow, another month passed. Three months into 2015, I guess it’s time to give you guys another update. First the good news: I’m still not eating sugar, or at least less sugar than I used to eat. No croissants or “koffiekoeken”. No biscuits, no candy, no cookies, no chocolate milk and above all, no soda. When i started it, I only had a couple of expectations: I would lose some weight and I would be more energetic.
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As a developer, I’m able to create a solution for the tiny annoyances that I encounter while using my android phone. One of those annoyances is the “read it later” functionality. Sometimes a smartphone is not enough to read a long article or watch an interesting video while commuting. There are a couple of dedicated apps out there to read thing later, like Pocket. They allow you to save a web page or video to an external system and you can read it on your phone using the app or on their website.
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Thomas Meire

My name is Thomas Meire. I’m a software engineer at Acquia, dad of a wonderful girl named Lucie and based near the wonderful city of Gent, Belgium.